Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 2 of classes.

It’s only the second day of classes and I’m already swamped with homework. Luckily, everyone else feels the same way…after all we’re all in the same boat..or ship, after all it is a ship, not a boat.  For all three of my classes I have about 100 pages of reading total a day, which takes twice as long to read on a rocking ship. It’s hard to concentrate with some many people talking around you and it’s almost impossible to find a quiet area on the ship. Not to mention, a lot of teachers have pdf files posted online, which are even harder to read all at once on the computer. I’m definitely learning a lot already about the Mediterranean and can’t believe 1/3 of my classes will be done in exactly one week. After we reach Barcelona we don’t have class for 2 whole weeks, because of all the other ports we are going to are so close together.

Enough about classes!

It seems like seasickness is a thing of the past. I took Dramamine the first two days as a precaution and didn’t feel I have been off it ever since. So far, so good. I’ve gotten used to the rocking motion of the ship thank goodness. Some are not so lucky. There were a few kids who ran out of the union this morning during Global Studies :(

More importantly, everyone in the ship loves to travel! It seems like everyone I’ve talked to has been out of the country at some point in their lives. It’s great to talk about similar places we’ve been and how small of a place the world really is!

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